LOL , omg .
The funniest thing just happened .
My dad was walking home frm the park ,
he saw my neighbor's tree on fire .
Then he just call 999 say there's a little tree on fire , want come down to take
a look ?
Then hor less then 5mins ltr ,
3 police car arrived , 1 BIG fire engine , 2 civil defence car come .
Siao gao . LOL .
Then they ask how go in ?
My dad say climb fence lo .
Then they sibeh excited go climb the fence .
After the tree put out ,
i went to see .
The tree left tree trunk thn chao da wan .
The fire engine people all staring @ it using torchlight like some idiot .
Sibeh funneh sia .
But these prove singapore fire engine people very efficient .
Next time anyth i sure call 999 first .
They tiao jui alot sia .
The funniest thing just happened .
My dad was walking home frm the park ,
he saw my neighbor's tree on fire .
Then he just call 999 say there's a little tree on fire , want come down to take
a look ?
Then hor less then 5mins ltr ,
3 police car arrived , 1 BIG fire engine , 2 civil defence car come .
Siao gao . LOL .
Then they ask how go in ?
My dad say climb fence lo .
Then they sibeh excited go climb the fence .
After the tree put out ,
i went to see .
The tree left tree trunk thn chao da wan .
The fire engine people all staring @ it using torchlight like some idiot .
Sibeh funneh sia .
But these prove singapore fire engine people very efficient .
Next time anyth i sure call 999 first .
They tiao jui alot sia .